Course Outline
- Week 1: Groups and cyclic groups (DF Chapter 1 and Section 2.3)
- Week 2: Subgroups and quotient groups (DF Chapter 2 and 3)
- Week 3: Isomorphism theorems and group actions (DF Chapter 3 and 4)
- Week 4: Cauchy and Sylow Theorems; Abelian groups (DF Chapter 4 and 5)
- Week 5: Direct and semi-direct products; applications and classification results (DF Chapter 5)
- Week 6: Rings and ideals (DF Chapter 7)
- Week 7: Ring morphisms; fraction fields; euclidean and principal idael domains (DF Chapter 7 and 8)
- Week 8: Quadratic Rings (DF Chapter 7/8 continued)
- Week 9: Unique Factorization
- Week 10: Vector spaces and subspaces (DF Chaper 11)
- Week 11: Duality (DF Chapter 11)
- Week 12: Traces and determinants (DF Chapter 11)
- Week 13: Bilinear forms and the spectral theorem (DF Chapter 11)
- Week 14: Additional topics on linear algebra
Problem Sets
- Set 1: Due September 11, 2022
- Comments on Set 1
- Set 2: Due October 2, 2022
- Comments on Set 2
- Set 3: Due October 16, 2022
- Comments on Set 3
- Set 4: Due November 27, 2022
- Comments on Set 4
Prelim Exam
The study guide to the algebra prelim is available here.
DF refers to Abstract Algebra, third edition by Dummit and Foote.