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Abstract Algebra - Graduate Course
Course Content
1. Groups
Day 1
Day 2
2. Subgroups and quotient groups
Day 3
Day 4
HW Set 1
Comments on HW set 1
3. Group morphisms and group actions
Day 5
Day 6
4. Cauchy and Sylow Theorems
Day 7
Day 8
HW set 2
5. Abelian groups and semi-direct products
Day 9
Day 10
6. Rings
Day 11
Day 12
7. Euclidean and principal ideal domains
Day 13
Day 14
Euclid in Z[i]
HW Set 3
8. Quadratic Rings
Day 15
Day 16
9. Unique factorization and polynomial rings
Day 17
Day 18
10. Vector spaces
Day 19
Day 20
HW Set 4
11. Duality
Day 21
Day 22
12. Trace and Determinant
Day 23
13. The spectral theorem
Day 24
Day 25
14. Additional topics in linear algebra
Day 26
Author Home Page
UConn Math Department
Course Content
Euclid in Z[i]
Euclid’s algorithm for gaussian integers