Some fundamental terminology on time series

1 minute read

A time series is a sequence $X_n$ of random variables indexed by the integers $\mathbf{Z}$. It is a particular case of a stochastic process.

The time series is strictly stationary if, for any integers $m\ge 0$ and $k>0$ we have that the joint distributions of $(X_0,\ldots, X_m)$ and $(X_k,\ldots, X_{m+k})$ are the same. (This is the definition given in Resnick. Wikipedia gives a stronger condition, in which one requires the joint distribution of $X_t$ at a finite, but arbitrary set of times, to be invariant under shifts in time. )

Notice that a time series that is zero when $n<0$ and nonzero when $n\ge 0$ isn’t strictly stationary.

The time series is wide-sense stationary if the function $m(t)=E(X_t)$ is time-invariant, the second moments $E(|X_t|^2)$ are finite for all $t$, and the correlation between $X_t$ and $X_{t’}$ depends only on the time interval between $t$ and $t’$.

A wide-sense stationary process is “mean-ergodic” if the random variable converges to the (constant) mean $E(X_t)$ in $L^{2}$ as $N\to\infty$. In other words, $E((\hat{\mu}(N)-\mu)^2)\to 0$ as $N\to\infty$. When this holds, one may estimate the process mean from time averages.

From these course notes we see the relationship between ergodicity in the mean and the autocovariance. We have

Using the definition of the (auto)-covariance, this reduces to

The expectation term inside the sum is the definition of the autocovariance $C(t_1,t_2)$ which by the stationarity hypothesis only depends on $|t_1-t_2|$.

Simplifying the calculation by using integrals instead of sums, the notes quoted above ultimately conclude that the $L^2$ condition amounts to

Note that if the autocovariance function is compactly supported this is automatically satisfied. Otherwise it’s a growth condition on that function – it’s sufficient if the area under $C(z)$ above $[-T,T]$ grows slower than $T$ – but in fact the condition is a bit weaker than that because the weight function is a triangular bump of height 1 and base $[-T,T]$.
