Computing Autocorrelation

2 minute read

In looking at the work of Zhang, et. al. in this post and this one, I ran into the problem of computing the autocorrelation of a very long sequence.

For example, the coverage data used in Figure 2a reproduced here is 4GB of lines that look like this:

woodmont $ head SRR1779331.depth
CM000663.1	12193	1
CM000663.1	12194	1
CM000663.1	12195	1
CM000663.1	12196	1
CM000663.1	12197	1
CM000663.1	12198	1
CM000663.1	12199	1
CM000663.1	12200	1
CM000663.1	12201	1
CM000663.1	12202	1

One can read this into a pandas dataframe, and save memory by omitting the first column (since it just denotes the first chromosome and it’s the same on every line) and treating the second (the location) and the third (the depth) columns as integers. Nevertheless the resulting dataframe is 2.8GB and takes a while to load.

After experimenting with a few ideas, the simplest memory-efficient approach seems to be to use the sparse matrix routines in scipy to compute the autocorrelation. Here is the code:

import scipy.sparse as sp
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

df = pd.read_csv('/home/jet08013/hard_disk/ZhangPaper/depths/SRR1779331.depth',sep='\t',usecols=[1,2],header=None,names=['loc','depth'])

We need to know the length of chromosome 1 in order to compute means and so on.

CHR1_LENGTH = 249250621

The are a number of constructors for a csc matrix, but the one I use takes an array of data and then two arrays indices and indptr that specify where to put the data into the matrix. The indices gives you the row position of the corresponding data element. The indptr array allows you to figure out which column to put the data in. Formally speaking, indices[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] holds the row indices for column i, and data[indptr[i]:indptr[i+1]] holds the corresponding data.

An example might help. Suppose:

data = [1,3,4,6]
indices = [0, 0, 1, 2]
  • [indptr[0]:indptr[1]]=[0:1] = [0], so data[0]=1 goes in column zero.
  • Since indices[0]=0, data[0] goes in position (0,0).
  • [indptr[1]:indptr[2]]=[2:2] which is empty. So column 1 is zero.
  • [indptr[2]:indptr[3]]=[1:4] = [1,2,3]. So data[1:3] goes in column 2, and since indices[1:3]=0,1,2, these data points go in position (0,2), (1,2), and (2,2).

The final matrix is [[1,0,3],[0,0,4],[0,0,6]].

Of course we are in the much simpler case of a single column.

data = df['depth'].values
indices = df['loc'].values
indptr = [0, len(indices)]

M = sp.csc_matrix((data,indices,indptr),shape=(CHR1_LENGTH,1))
mu = M.sum()/M.shape[0]

The great thing about this representation is that you can “shift” the matrix for purposes of computing the autocorrelation just by subtracting from the index, rather than actually moving any data.

Values that are shifted into negative indices are effectively set to zero, since the sparse routines ignore such entries.

The loop below computes the auto correlation using Zhang’s normalization for shifts of length $2^n$ and saves the results in the matrix acor.

acor = np.zeros(25)
for i in tqdm(range(0,25)):
M1 = sp.csc_matrix((data,indices-(2**i),indptr),shape=(CHR1_LENGTH, 1))
N = M.multiply(M1)

Experiments show that the memory usage of this code is constant through the loop.

Roads not taken

There is a much more efficient approach that would compute the autocorrelation as you read the file. This would require buffering only within the range of the longest lags under consideration, which in this case is on the order of 1M locations (rather than 250M). But the approach here, exploiting the fast numpy code, saves a lot of development time.
