Wold’s Decomposition

4 minute read

Wold’s decomposition

Wold’s decomposition is a general structure theorem for (wide-sense) stationary stochastic processes. Although widely referenced it was hard to track down a complete proof, and I had to overcome a lot of misconceptions to understand the result. Here are the key ideas.

Hilbert space facts

First, Wold’s theorem is ultimately a consequence of some basic results about orthonormal bases in Hilbert spaces.

Suppose ${X_{t}}$ is a discrete time (wide sense) stationary stochastic process with mean zero and variance $\sigma^2$.

The random variables $X_t$ (on an underlying probability space $\Omega$) belong to $L^2(\Omega)$, which is a real Hilbert space with inner product $<X,Y>=E(XY)$. Resnick’s A Probability Path, Theorem 6.6.2, proves that this does in fact give a Hilbert space and more generally shows the completeness of the $L^p$ space coming from the norm $E(|X|^p)^{1/p}$.

The crucial ingredient in Wold’s theorem is the fact that the conditional expectation gives the projection map in this Hilbert space. Given a set $X_i$ of random variables, their Hilbert span $M$ is the closure of the linear subspace they generate. The conditional expectation $E(X|{X_i})$ is the projection of $X$ into $M$. In Hilbert space terms this means that

and (equivalently)

is orthogonal to all of the $X_i$:

In fact, this second inequality amounts to a proof of the fact that conditional expectation is prediction, because general Hilbert space theory says that $x_0$ is the projection of $x$ into $M$ if and only if $x-x_0$ is perpendicular to $M$ (See Probability and Measure Theory by Ash and Doleans-Dade, Theorem 3.2.11. Section 3.2 of this book gives a quick trip through the key Hilbert space results.)

Lemma: Returning to the time series/stochastic process situation, let

The sequence $H_k^{(n)}$ converges to $H^{(n)}=E(X_n|X_{n-1},\ldots )$ as $k\to\infty$.

This is a consequence of the proof of the general result that if $U=\{u_j\}_{j\in I}$ is an orthonormal set, and $v$ is any vector, then the projection $\overline{v}$ of $v$ into the Hilbert span of $U$ is $\sum E(vu_j)u_j$. (See Ash and Doleans-Dade, Theorem 3.2.13 and Corollary 3.2.14.)

The complication is that we need to understand why this infinite sum converges. The point is that any vector can be approximated arbitrarily closely by a finite linear combination of the $u_j$. Therefore, for a sequence of $\epsilon\to 0$, we can find a sequence of $N_\epsilon\to\infty$ so that $||\overline{v}-\sum_{j<N_\epsilon}E(vu_{j})u_j||^2<\epsilon.$ But while the existence of the $N_\epsilon$ is guaranteed, we don’t a priori know about their growth rate.

Misconception #1: If $x_n$ is the projection of $X_n$ into the span of $X_{n-1},\ldots$, I thought that $H_k^{(n)}$ should get closer to $x_n$ with each increase in $k$. But that’s not true! You may need to add a whole bunch of $k$ before you get closer to the limit.

Misconception #2: When computing $E(X|Y,Z)$, if $X$ and $Z$ are independent I thought that $E(X|Y,Z)$ wouldn’t depend on $Z$. But this is completely false. Here’s a very simple example in 3 dimensions. Let $X=(1,1,0)$, $Y=(1,0,1)$ and $Z=(0,0,1)$. Then $X$ and $Z$ are orthogonal. The projection of $X$ into the span of just $Y$ is $(1/2,0,1/2)$. The projection of $X$ into the span of $Y$ and $Z$ does not lie in the span of $Y$. The key point is that although $X$ and $Z$ are orthogonal, $Y$ and $Z$ aren’t.

Deterministic time series

The projections $H^{(n)}=\lim_{k\to\infty}H_k^{(n)}$ give the best estimate (in the $L^2$ sense) for $X_n$ that one can derive from knowledge of the entire previous history of the time series.

Typically the “unpredictable part” $X_{n}-H^{(n)}$ is a random variable. But it could happen that it’s not actually random – it could be a constant which would have to be the mean of the process. Such a sequence $X_n$ is called a deterministic time series; it’s random, but predictable.

A classic example of such a deterministic series is the following. Let $A$ and $B$ be independent variables that each take the values $\pm 1/2$ with equal probability. Consider the function

The sequence $(,\ldots, X(0), X(1), X(2), \ldots)$ is a wide-sense stationary time series which lies in a four dimensional space. Consequently if you know four values of the sequence you can reconstruct it in its entirety.

Wold’s decomposition

Let $\epsilon_n = X_n - H^{(n)}$, which is the part of $X_n$ not explainable by (orthogonal to) all of the earlier values.

The $\epsilon_n$ form an orthogonal set, because, if $i>j$, then $\epsilon_j$ lies in the span of $X_j, X_{j-1}, \ldots$ and $\epsilon_i$ is orthogonal to that subspace. Let $\sigma^2=E(\epsilon_n^2)$. By the Hilbert space results quoted above, we have

where $v_n$ is orthogonal to all of $X_n,X_{n-1},\ldots$. Hilbert space theory tells us that the coefficients $E(X_{n-i}\epsilon_{n-i})/\sigma^2$ are $l^2$-summable. (See Theorem 3.2.13, part f, of Ash and Doleans-Dade quoted above.)

The final piece of Wold’s decomposition is to understand the leftover pieces $v_n, v_{n-1},\ldots$. Without any details, the point is that since $v_n$ is orthogonal to $\epsilon_n$, it belongs to the subspace spanned by the $X_{n-i}$ for $i\ge 1$. This means that it is deterministic – it can be predicted exactly from past data.

Theorem (Wold’s Decomposition) If $X_n$ is a regular stationary stochastic process with mean zero, it can be written


  • $\sum \gamma_{s}^2<\infty$,
  • $\gamma_0=1$
  • $u_s$ and $v_s$ have mean zero,
  • $E(\epsilon_n)=\sigma^2$,
  • The $\epsilon_i$ form an orthogonal set,
  • The $v_s$ are deterministic,
  • The $\gamma_s$ and the $v_s$ are unique.

Remark A regular stochastic process is one in which $\epsilon_0$ has non-zero variance.


  • Ash and Doleans-Dade, Probability and Measure Theory, Second Edition, Academic Press, 2000, esp. Chapter 3.
  • Anderson, The Statistical Analysis of Time Series, Wiley, 1970, especially pages 417-421.
  • Resnick, A Probability Path, Birkhauser, 2005.
