FPKM and TPM Units for RNA Seq after Pachter

1 minute read

See Pachter, L. Models for transcript quantification from RNA-seq.

Count-based models


Simplest version: transcriptome is a set of transcripts with different abundances, and a read is produced by choosing a site in a transcript for the read uniformly at random from among all positions.

  • $T$ is the set of transcripts.
  • $\ell(t)$ is the length of transcript $t$ for $t\in T$.
  • $\rho(t)$ is the relative abundance of transcript $t$ in the transcriptome. (That is, it is the number of mRNA molecules of type $t$, over the total number of such molecules).
  • $m$ is the length of the reads
  • $F$ is the set of all possible reads and $F_t$ is the set of reads that map to transcript $t$.
  • The effective length $\tilde{\ell}(t)$ is $\ell(t)-m+1$, the total number of places that a read of length $m$ could begin.

What’s the chance of choosing a read from a transcript $t$? Let $m_t$ be the number of transcripts of type $t$ and $M=\sum m_{t}$ be the total number of transcripts. The number of reads coming from $m_t$ is $m_t \tilde{\ell}(t)$. The total number of reads from all transcripts is $\sum_{i\in T} m_{i}\tilde{l}(i).$ Therefore the probability of getting a read from $t$ is and, since $\rho_t=m_{t}/M$, this is the same as

It’s worth observing that $\sum \alpha_{t}=1$ and the $\alpha$’s are non-negative.

The $\alpha$ and $\rho$ distributions are related (via the lengths $\tilde{\ell}$) in the opposite direction by the equation

The maximum likelihood estimate for the $\alpha_t$ are $X_t/N$ where $N$ is the total number of mapped reads and $X_t$ is the number of reads mapped to $t$.

The maximum likelihood estimate for $\rho_t$, which is the relative abundance of transcript $t$ among the expressed transcripts, is (using the above equations) PROPORTIONAL TO (You need to divide by the sum of the terms on the right to get equality).

The number is the “Reads per Kilobase per millions of mapped reads” because is the “Reads per million mapped reads” and then you divide that by to get “Reads per million mapped reads per kilobase.”


The ‘transcripts per million’ measure (maximum likelihood) is $10^6\rho_{t}$ so to compute TPM you take the abundance measured in RPKM and divide by the sum of RPKM over all the transcripts.
