Mapping to bins for cnvkit

1 minute read

cnvkit uses, by default, the samtools bedcov command to compute the coverage. This tool takes a bed file of regions and one (or more) bam files. It returns, for each region (bin), the sum of the per-base read counts in that region. The read depth computed by cnvkit is this sum divided by the length of the region.

By contrast, ginkgo counts the number of reads that start in each bin, and as we’ve seen this gives a number that is close to that returned by bedtools coverage. We would expect the ginkgo counts G, times the read length, divided by the interval length, to give the cnvkit depth.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import linregress

The commands for comparison are:

$ coverage $BAM_DIR/SCW-11_Bone-marrow.bam
$ bedtools coverage -F 1.0 -a -b SCW-11_Bone-marrow.bed > SCW-11_Bone-marrow.bedtools_coverage_F1.counts
bedtCounts = pd.read_table('SCW-11_Bone-marrow.bedtools_coverage_F1.counts',header=None,names=['chr','start','end','-','count','x','y','z'])
bedtCounts = bedtCounts[['chr','start','end','count']]
cnvkCounts = pd.read_table('')
bedtCounts['depth'] = bedtCounts['count']/(bedtCounts['end']-bedtCounts['start'])

LinregressResult(slope=70.32286807155764, intercept=0.00589153245627233, rvalue=0.9965766968261753, pvalue=0.0, stderr=0.07675388085434531)

This linear regression shows that the ‘effective read length’ is about 70 bp.

Just to show that in fact the cnvkit numbers agree with samtools bedcov let’s compare. The command is

$ samtools bedcov ~/hard_disk/SCG003/bam/SCW-11_Bone-marrow.bam > SCW-11_Bone-marrow.samtools_bedcov.counts

A quick linear regression shows that this agrees with the cnvkit coverage computation.

samtCounts = pd.read_table('SCW-11_Bone-marrow.samtools_bedcov.counts',header=None,names=['chr','start','end','-','count'])

LinregressResult(slope=1.0000003802899826, intercept=-6.254817400130896e-08, rvalue=0.999999999999773, pvalue=0.0, stderr=8.865755503055448e-09)
