Remarks on the Marchenko-Pastur Distribution

1 minute read

The proof that the Marchenko-Pastur distribution gives the asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues of the Wishart Matrix of an $n\times p$ random matrix relies on combinatorial arguments similar to those for the square case, where the moments are the Catalan numbers.

The argument in the MP case also relates the $k^{th}$ moment to the ordered trees on $k$ vertices. However, it counts those trees differently.

The counting for the MP case first requires us to take the set of trees on $k$ vertices and mark the nodes as “even” or “odd”. The root of the tree is always even, and the neighbors of an even vertex are always odd. Having made such a labelling, we can partition the set of ordered trees into disjoint subsets depending on the number of even vertices.

Among the 14 trees on 5 vertices, for example, the partition has the following distribution:

r 1 2 3 4
number of trees with r even vertices 1 6 6 1

The tree with only $1$ even vertex is the star with 4 vertices meeting the root; the one with $4$ is the star where the root is one of the leaves.

If $N(k,r)$ is the number of trees on $k$ vertices with $r$ even vertices, then the $k^{th}$ moment of the Marchenko-Pastur distribution is

where $p/n$ is the limiting number of rows/columns in the matrix.

As a check, consider the case where $\gamma=.5$. Then the $4^{th}$ moment should be $1+6(.5)+6(.5)^2+(.5)^3=5.625$. A computation in sage confirms this.

from sage.symbolic.integration.integral import definite_integral
print('Check MP Formula: integral should be one (total mass): {}'.format(definite_integral(f,x,gamma2,gamma1)))
print('4th moment is {}'.format(definite_integral(f4,x,gamma2,gamma1)))

Check MP Formula: integral should be one (total mass): 0.9999999871272136 4th moment is 5.624999941242612

A clever combinatorial argument gives a formula for these components–sort of “partial Catalan numbers”. The number of trees on $k$ vertices with $r$ even vertices $(1\le r\le k-1)$ is:

A computation with $k=5$ and $r=1,2,3$ gives the answers above. For example
